Traffic Jam Paragraph For Class 9-10 | Traffic Jam Paragraph Class 7

Traffic Jam Paragraph For Class 9-10
বন্ধুরা আশাকরি সকলেই ভালো আছেন। আমরা সকলেই জানি দিন দিন Traffic Jam ভয়াবহ আকার ধারন করছে। আর আমরা নিয়ে এলাম Traffic Jam Paragraph For Class 9-10। এছাড়া ইদানিং সময়ে বিভিন্ন পরিক্ষায়, বিশেষ করে Class 9-10 Class 6-7 এর পরিক্ষাগুলিতে এই রচনাগুলি বেশি আসে। তো প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা আজকে আমরা আপনাদের জন্য সহজ পরিক্ষায় বেশি নাম্বার পাবার জন্য সহজ ভাষায় Traffic Jam Paragraph For Class 9-10 | Traffic Jam Paragraph Class 7 প্যারাগ্রাফ নিয়ে এসেছি। আপনারা এই প্যারাগ্রাফটি পরিক্ষায় লিখে ভালো নাম্বার পাবেন।
Traffic Jam Paragraph For Class 9-10
Traffic Jam Paragraph For Class 9-10

  Traffic Jam  

The obstruction of the movement of vehicles creating the clogging of many vehicles is known as a traffic jam. It is created when there is a huge amount of vehicles on a road than its capacity. It is a common problem in our country found in different megacities. Dhaka, Chattagram, Gazipur, Narayanganj, Khulna cities are seriously affected by traffic jams. The causes of traffic jams are poor transport management, violation of traffic rules, lack of roads and highways, unplanned development, maintenance works done on the roads, etc. 

Where Bangladesh is an overpopulated country, its roads and highways have not been modernized according to the demand. So the roads have become insufficient and cannot accommodate a large number of vehicles and their movements. Besides the roads are narrow in size and too much zig-zag which makes the movement of vehicles slower. Again the mentality of crossing vehicles to go faster leads to violation of traffic rules and the situation becomes more problematic. 

General people suffer a lot for the lack of coordination in road management and development works done by the government. The careless attitude of drivers, fitness-less public transport and parking space insufficiency in the cities make the situation worsen. For traffic jams, life in the city has turned into horrible nightmares. Many people fail to attend their office on time. The students, workers, employees, rickshaw pullers, and drivers suffer a lot from the slow speed toward their destination. The worst sufferers are the dying patient who needs emergency treatment heading toward the hospital but are stuck in a traffic jam. Construction of new or alternative roads and effective projects must be taken to make cities free from traffic jams.

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Traffic Jam Paragraph HSC Level

Traffic jam is a situation in which a long line of vehicles on a road stops moving or moves slowly. It is created when there is a huge amount of vehicles on a road than its capacity. It is a common problem in all megacities around the world. In our country, Dhaka, Chattagram, Gazipur, Narayanganj, etc districts are seriously affected by traffic jams. Poor transport management, violation of traffic rules, lack of roads and highways, unplanned city, lack of coordination in development and maintenance works on the roads, etc are the causes of traffic jams. 

Where Bangladesh is an overpopulated country, its roads and highways have not been modernized according to the demand. Again with the increased population, the roads have become insufficient and cannot accommodate the large number of vehicles and their movements. Besides our cities aren’t built in an organized way which has made the roads narrowerer, too much zig-zag and several junctions in a small area.These problems create a mentality among the drivers and passengers to move the high traffic areas quickly. Thus, they cross vehicles violating traffic rules and the situation becomes more problematic. 

Many unplanned development works are done on the road, mismanagement, and lack of coordination among Govt. departments also lead to huge pain and suffering for the common people on the roads. We face traffic jams not only at a specific busy time, rather it is seen all day long both in the megacities and towns because of the carelessness of drivers and fitness-less public transport. Parking space is insufficient in the cities and the vehicles park alongside the roads and highways which shrinks the road making the situation worsen. A report published by the World Bank shows that the average traffic speed in Dhaka city is 4km/hour which is slower than the walking speed. For traffic jams, life in the city has turned into horrible nightmares. The movement of vehicles in big cities has become almost impossible. 

Many people fail to attend their office on time which causes loss of important working hours. The students, workers, employees, rickshaw pullers, and drivers suffer a lot from the slow speed toward their destination. Thus they become annoyed sitting in the vehicles and hearing the sound of the horns and suffer from various mental and physical problems. In addition to pain, traffic jam has a significant economic loss for the hand-to-mouth lower-class drivers, helpers, and related people of the transport business as the number of passengers decrease by a good amount and they face a waste of fuel because of traffic jam. 

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The worst sufferers are the dying patient who needs emergency treatment heading toward the hospital but are stucked in a traffic jam. Our government has taken many steps, but these are not enough and more time consuming. Construction of new and alternative roads and highways in a planned way, investment in public transport and controlling private cars, the establishment of a modern traffic control system, creating enough parking space for vehicles and footpaths for walking, implementation of traffic rules, etc can solve the problem. 

Along with this, the mentality of general people and drivers towards traffic jams is to be changed to create an overall disciplined and safe road. Traffic jam problem must be solved by the combined effort of government and the public to stop the economic loss and sufferings.

  Traffic Jam Paragraph For Class 7 Easy  

Traffic jam is a common issue in our country. A traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that are stuck in traffic. It’s a familiar occurrence in major cities and towns. It has now turned into a big problem. It causes a horrible situation in our daily lives. There are several reasons for traffic jams. 

The primary reasons for traffic jams include an increase in buses, trucks, rickshaws, and motorbikes. Overpopulation is also another cause. On the other hand, our country’s traffic control system is undeveloped. Drivers are also accountable for this problem. Another reason for traffic jams is insufficient knowledge about traffic rules, overtaking tendencies, and parking here and there. 

It causes untold pain to the passengers and hampers vehicle movement.Our government should take additional initiatives to handle the problem. To overcome this situation, we must all work together. Public awareness is also required to overcome this situation.

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   Traffic Jam Paragraph Class 8   

A traffic jam occurs when vehicles are unable to move freely. It is a major issue in many towns. Traffic jams can occur for a variety of reasons. The major reasons for traffic jams include violations of traffic regulations, unplanned roads and streets, a large number of rickshaws on the roads, and unskilled traffic police. Illegal parking, limited roads and lanes, and unlicensed shops and marketplaces on the side of the road all cause traffic jams.

Traffic jams waste our time and energy. Students, patients, laborers, and employees are the most affected by traffic jams. They won’t be able to get to their destination on time. We cannot become quick and punctual in our daily activities. Some steps should be taken to resolve the problem. 

Unauthorized roadside stores and marketplaces must be removed. Unlicensed vehicles must be removed from the roads. Traffic laws must be properly followed. Traffic police should be trained. This problem can be solved if the government takes appropriate measures.

আমাদের শেষ কথাঃ 

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীগন, আশাকরি আমাদের আজকের এই Traffic Jam Paragraph For Class 9-10 পোষ্টটি আপনাদের সকলের ভালো লেগেছে। আমি চাই যে Traffic Jam Paragraph Class 7 এই প্যারাগ্রাফটি পড়ে আপনারা পরিক্ষায় ভালো ফলাফল অর্জন করুন। জাইহোন মন দিয়ে পড়াশোনা করবেন। দেখবেন ভগবান আপনাদের অবশ্যই পরিক্ষায় ভালো ফলাফল অর্জন করাবে। আপনি পড়তে পারেন Tips to Earn Money from Home অর্থাৎ আপনি বাড়িতে বসে আয় কিভাবে করবেন তা জানুন।

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