Your Aim In Life Composition | Aim in life composition for Class 10

Your Aim In Life Composition
Your Aim In Life Composition

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In this post, we have tried to cover the composition for all students like Your Aim In Life Composition, Aim In Life Composition For Class 9, Aim in life composition for Class 10, and more about My Aim In Life Composition Class 6.

Aim in life composition


All human beings have a specific aim in life. To be successful in life, we must have an aim. A man without an aim is like a ship without a rudder. A ship without a rudder is in danger. So it is vital that people set an aim or purpose at the very beginning of life. It is possible to achieve the desired aim in life if we move forward with hard work, dedication, perseverance, and concentration.

Different kinds of aims: 

Different people have different aims. Some want to be teachers, some want to be doctors, others want to be engineers, and so on. Every person needs to think right at the beginning of life and try to implement it by setting aims. Otherwise, the person will not find the right direction to manage his life. Life without aims seems pointless.

The right time to choose an aim: 

Student life is the right time to sow the seeds of future life. The seeds that people sow at this time will bloom and develop in the near future. That is why the aim of life has to be determined while a student. To achieve the goal, you need to work hard with dedication, perseverance, and concentration.

My aim in life: 

My aim in life is to be a doctor. My parents and teachers gave their consent to my choice. There are many reasons to choose the profession of a doctor. The rural people of our country are very poor. Although they suffer from various diseases, there is no qualified doctor to serve them. So through this profession, I decided to serve the people of my village.

The reason for choosing the aim:

Medical services in our country have now become limited and expensive. The number of doctors is much less than the country’s large population. Rural farmers and common people now do not get good medical care. The business mentality is now embedded in many doctors. This situation needs to change. That is why I want to be a good doctor. So I have chosen such a goal as one of the ways to stand by these helpless people.

Ways to achieve the aim: 

I am currently a ten-class student. I am relying on Allah to achieve my desired goal. I will study well so that I can get a GPA of 5 and pass SSC and HSC. After passing HSC, I will be admitted to medical college. After five years in medical college. After completing the M.B.B.S degree, I will become a skilled doc and stand by the side of the poor and helpless people of this country. I will devote all the days of my working life to the service of the people.


A doctor is a great profession. It is a direct opportunity for human service. I will not take money from poor people. I also have plans to build a hospital with a few beds for the poor and helpless people. So I want to be a doctor considering everything. I believe I will be able to reach my goal and serve the nation.

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My Aim In Life Composition Class 6
My Aim In Life Composition Class 6

My Aim In Life Composition Class 6


The aim of life is crucial because an aimless person is like a ship without a rudder in the sea and does not know the direction of its destination. Similarly, If we don’t have an aim in life, we don’t know where to go. So, everyone should have an aim in life. A student should focus on his aim while in high school.

Types of aims: 

Different people have different aims in their lives. Someone wants to be a government officer, scholar, poet, etc. Others want to be a doctor, an engineer, or a teacher. This choice of profession depends on one’s taste, qualifications, and desires.

My aim in life: 

I always wanted to be a teacher, and now my family is also inspiring me to become a teacher. My parents always support me, and they respect my decision. My favorite subject is English. My teachers are so helpful, and they help me understand everything about this particular subject.

Reason of choice: 

Teaching is one of the noblest professions in the world. Everyone respects him. Moreover, I believe that the service of a good teacher is necessary for the welfare of the country. For this reason, I have chosen teaching as my aim in life.

My Preparation:

Now I am a student of class six/seven/eight/nine/ten. After passing the SSC and HSC exams, I shall get myself admitted into the university for an honors degree. After graduation, I will complete the B.ed course to qualify myself as an ideal teacher. Thus, I’m planning to fulfill my aim in life.


A good teacher is an asset to the nation. We know that education is the backbone of a nation. In the same way, a good teacher is the backbone of education. The success of life depends on choosing the proper aim. My choice is right, and my aim is also fixed. So, I will try my best to reach my aim, and I advise everyone to do the same.

TAG: My aim in life,aim in life composition,my aim in life composition,your aim in life composition,aim in life composition for class 4,my aim in life composition for class 5,aim in life composition for class 6 easy,my aim in life composition for class 7 200 words,My aim in life paragraph,My aim in life composition class 6,Aim in life composition for class 9,My aim in life Essay,Aim in life composition for Class 10.
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