City Life And Rural Life Paragraph | JSC/SSC/HSC (All Classes)

City Life and Rural Life Paragraph for HSCCity Life And Rural Life Paragraph HSCCity Life and Rural Life EssayCity Life and Rural Life CompositionHSC Paragraph City Life And Rural LifeParagraph on City Life And Rural Lifeশেষ মতামত
স্বাগতম জানাই আমাদের আজকের City Life And Rural Life Paragraph পোষ্টে। আপনারা এসেছেন শিক্ষার উদ্দেশ্যে। তাই ক্লিক করেই আবার বেক দিয়ে বেরিয়ে যাবেন না। আপনাদের শিক্ষার মান বাড়াতে আমাদের আজকের প্রয়াশটিকে দেখুন। আশাকরি আপনাদের সবার ভালো লাগবে। এই প্যারাগ্রাফটি মূলত JSC/SSC/HSC (All Classes) সবার জন্য। সবাই দয়াকরে একটু শেয়ার করে দিবেন। আমি এখানে কয়েক ধরনের প্যারাগ্রাফ শেয়ার করেছি।

যেমনঃ City life and rural life paragraph 200 words,Village life and city life paragraph 250 words,City life and rural life paragraph 150 words,City life and rural life paragraph 100 words,City life and rural life paragraph 300 Words,city and rural life paragraph ইত্যাদি,

তাই দেরি না করে নিচের থেকে পড়ুন আজকের এই আর্টিক্যালটি।

City Life and Rural Life Paragraph for HSC
People living outside the towns and the cities are known as rural life. And people living in towns and cities are known as city life. City life and rural life are quite distinctive. Both have some different advantages and disadvantages. In rural areas, people live in an open atmosphere.

They get fresh air and sunlight. There is not much noise in the villages. In villages, people generally get fresh vegetables, fishes and pure milk. But rural people are deprived of many modern facilities. They do not get better medical facilities and better education. On the contrary, the city or town is artificially made. People are here always-busy. They enjoy all the modern facilities.

Most developed schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, banks, government offices, roads, transports, and industries—all are in the towns. But people in the city take adulterated food and breathe in a polluted environment. So they are more likely to be affected by different complex diseases.

However, both merits and demerits exist in city life and rural life. But it is possible for a man to lead a life full of prosperity, humanity, and peace whether he lives in town or village. In short, we can avoid none because one depends on others.

City Life And Rural Life Paragraph
City Life And Rural Life Paragraph HSC
There are some advantages and disadvantages both in city life and country/village life. In the city, there are more opportunities for people to make progress in their lives. Children living in the city can get a quality education because there are better schools in the city than in the village.

When a person falls ill there are good government and private hospitals in the city to get treatment. There are large shopping complexes, banks, offices, cinemas, hostels, clubs, hospitals, etc. in and around the city. There is electricity, highway, communication, telecommunication, plumb facilities in the city. So there are many charms in city life.

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However, there is another side of the coin. In city life, people do not enjoy a healthy environment. Air is polluted with dust, smoke, garbage and carbon-dioxide gases. Again there is a high rate of crime in the city. Snatching, killing, theft, etc. are a day to day affair in a city.

On the other hand, people’s lives in the village are easier. People in rural areas live in a pollution-free environment. Also, rural life is almost free from crime and violence. People live in peace and amity there. There are not as artificial and selfish as city people. However, despite disadvantages many people today prefer city life to country life.

City Life and Rural Life Essay
Both city life and rural life have certain advantages and disadvantages. In cities, people have more opportunities to improve their living conditions. Children living in cities can get quality education as there are better schools than in villages.

If a person in the city is sick, they can easily find a good hospital nearby for treatment. There are big shopping complexes, banks, offices, cinemas, hostels, clubs, hospitals etc. around the city. The city has regular electricity, highways, communication, telecommunication and many other facilities.

City Life and Rural Life Essay
So, city life has many attractions. But there are downsides. People cannot enjoy a healthy environment in city life. Air is polluted by dust, smoke, garbage and carbon-dioxide gas. Again, the crime rate is high in the city. Robberies, murders, thefts etc. are daily occurrences in a city.

On the other hand, the life of the village people is happy. Village people live in pollution free environment. Also, most of the rural life is almost free from crime and violence and people live in peace. They are not as artificial and selfish as the people of the city. However, many people today prefer city life to country life, despite some odds.

City Life and Rural Life Composition
The people living outside the cities and towns are known as rural life. And the people living in the city are known as city life. City life and rural life are completely different. Both have some distinct pros and cons. People live in a free environment in the countryside.

They get fresh air and sunlight. There is no noise in the village. In villages, people generally get fresh vegetables, fish and pure milk. But the rural people are deprived of many modern amenities. They do not get good medical facilities and better education. In contrast, cities or towns are created artificially. People are busy here all the time. They enjoy all modern amenities. Well-developed schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, banks, government offices, roads, transportation and industries are all in the city.

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But city dwellers eat junk food and breathe polluted air. So they are more likely to suffer from various complex diseases. However, both city life and rural life have their merits and demerits. But whether in the city or in the village, it is possible for a man to live a life full of prosperity, humanity and peace. In short, we cannot avoid both because one depends on the other.

HSC Paragraph City Life And Rural Life
City life and rural life are two different ways of living. There are many advantages and disadvantages in this life. People living in the city can enjoy modern amenities like shopping malls, entertainment venues, restaurants and public transportation.

Basically, city life is a fast-paced lifestyle. Here people are busy with their own needs. The main disadvantages of city life are high levels of pollution all around, traffic congestion and high cost of living. Besides, most of the people in the city are selfish and insincere but intelligent.

On the other hand, rural life is peaceful and serene. The life of people here is at a slow pace. Actually, the environment of rural life is full of peace and natural beauty. There is no noise and chaos here. Besides, rural life is free from all kinds of pollution. People here are very sincere but mostly foolish and illiterate.

The disadvantages of rural life are poverty, lack of adequate employment and lack of proper treatment. Yet most people in rural life are happy because there is no harshness in them. They lead a very simple life. After all, city life and rural life are two distinct lifestyles.

Paragraph on City Life And Rural Life
Leading life in urban areas is known as city life. On the contrary, leading life in rural areas is known as rural life. There is no want of job opportunities in the city as there are more mills and factories there. On the contrary, there is severe want of job opportunities in rural areas as there is want of mills and factories there.

There are more educational and medical hospitals in the city area. So, students can easily take higher education there. Besides, city dwellers can easily get medical treatment. On the contrary, there is severe want of educational and medical hospitals in village areas. Consequently, village people have to come to the city to take higher education and medical treatment. Sometimes they face harassment while taking education as well as medical treatment.

Paragraph on City Life And Rural Life
There is no want of criminals in urban areas. Crimes are often committed in city areas. City life is severely hampered because of different heinous crimes. On the contrary, crimes are rarely committed in village areas. So, rural life is comparatively peaceful and happier. Food adulteration is severe in city areas. Taking adulterated food and drinks, city dwellers often become sick. On the contrary, village people get the opportunity to take natural food and drinks.

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Food of different types in village areas is almost free from adulteration. So, village people do not sick frequently. Environmental pollution is severe in city areas. By taking polluted air and water, city dwellers often get sick. On the contrary, environmental pollution is less in rural areas. Village people can take fresh air and be healthier and happier. There is no want of amusement centers in city area. But they are artificial and commercial.

On the contray, there is no amusement center in rural areas. But village areas are full of natural beauty and charms. Village people can refresh their minds and mentality by enjoying natural beauty and charms. Thus they can remain hale and hearty.

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শেষ মতামত
শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা আশাকরি আপনারা “City life and rural life paragraph For HSC” টি পড়ে সমৃদ্ধ হয়েছেন। আশাকরি আপনি Paragraph টি আপনার খাতায় নোট করে নিয়েছেন। যদি নোট না করে থাকেন তবে আপনার পছন্দের প্যারাগ্রাফটি এখনি নোট করে নিন। এতে করে আপনার প্যারাগ্রাফটি পড়তে সুবিধা হবে এবং মনে রাখতেউ বেগ পেতে হবে না আপনারা। প্রাইবেট,স্কুল,কলেজ সব জাগায় লেখার উপযুক্ত করে লেখা আমাদের এই প্যারাগ্রাফগুলি। তাই নির্দিধায় আপনি যেকোনো একটি লিখে ভালো নাম্বার অর্জন করে সবাইকে তাক লাগাতে পারবেন। আর আপনি উপকৃত হলে আপনার বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন আমাদের প্যারাগ্রাফ।

আপনাদের একটি শেয়ার ও একটি রেটিং আমাদের কাজ এগিয়ে নিতে মনোবল বাড়িয়ে তোলে। আর আপনি চাইলে আমাদের Facebook Page এ যুক্ত থাকতে পারেন একটি লাইক করে। এছাড়া আপনি যদি চান যে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে আপনি আপনার নাম সহ পোষ্ট করবেন তবে ৫০০ ওয়ার্ডের মধ্যে আপনার লিখে লিখে আমাদের পাঠিয়ে দিন আমাদের Email এ। ধন্যবাদ বন্ধুরা সাথে থাকার জন্য।

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